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Wally McIntosh Memorial Scholarship

Wally McIntosh would certainly be proud of the hardworking students recognized each year through a Memorial Scholarship award presented in his name by the Ontario Sheet Metal Contractors Association (OSM). The former OSM president who passed away in 1982 at the height of his career always held education in high esteem.

Each year presents a new challenge for the panel of five judges who decide on the most deserving applicants. Not only are their academic achievements considered, but so are their extra-curricular activities, community outreach, leadership qualities and employment history.

OSM offers four $2500 scholarships to children of OSM member firm employees who are graduating from high school, and entering college or university studies.

The scholarship fund also offers an annual $1000 award to the graduated union apprentice of the Ontario Sheet Metal Workers' Training Centre achieving the highest averaged marks in all three day school programs. The qualifying apprentice must have attended all three phases of day school at the training centre.

Winners Announced

The 2024 scholarships have been awarded to Arcy Patel, Ava Mcleod, Keiran Dobbin, and Sarah Garrow-Woycheshen.

Miss. Arcy Patel is the daughter of Dave Patel of E.S. Fox Limited and enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Brock University.

Miss. Mcleod is the daughter of Chad Mcleod of Trad-Mark Industrial Inc., and is enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Wilfrid Lauier University.

Mr. Dobbin is the son of Shane Dobbin of Adamson & Dobbin Limited and is enrolled in the Human Kinetics program at St. Francis Xavier University.

Miss. Woycheshen is the daughter of Kevin Margarit of Rugged Air Industries Limited and is enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts in Psychology at Lakehead University.

The 2024 apprentice award was presented to Steven Wilson. Mr. Wilson has obtained the Certificate of Qualification as a journeyperson and is employed with Dunford-Liscio (Ontario) Inc.

Congratulations to all recipients!